Life is a roller coaster ride for those who live it consciously and a journey of struggle and pains for the rest.
Our miraculous mind produces more than 70 K thoughts in a day and in that we encounter several emotions.Our Aura keeps * changing according to the negative and positive thoughts,like a bulb which fluctuates with high and low voltage.
This "Aura" is like an Antivirus or a Firewall which protects you from any Evil or Negative Energies.
In a negative state of mind like fear, lust, shame, guilt etc. your Aura shrinks down, while any positive thought like recognition, love, care, passion etc. increases it. So always remember, a low Aura catches all kind of troubles and an enhanced Aura attracts strengths, possibilities and opportunities.
Our mind and body reinstates if the emotional loss is temporary, but if its long termlike –breakups, not getting the desired jobs or results, any forced decisions, getting struck into darkness?, living with people or place where your energies are getting sucked then the above mentioned circumstances damage the natural internal route of energy which ultimately comes out as body or organ malfunctioning.
However there are some basic symptoms through which one can identify the alarming situation before it's too late.
I have categorised them as The 12 SIGNS :
Very subtle yet cancerous these signs grow up on us slowly affecting us deeply and silently even before we are fully aware of them. Then one day we feel we are drowning and there is no help at sight, we are alone and doomed.
This is termed "The Boiling Frog Syndrome", and it doesn't let you see the dangerous aspect of the negative shift that has just entered your life.
Yet, identifying these killer symptoms early on with the help of a Life coach brings about a complete turnaround for us and not only do we start feeling better but we make a success of our lives.
3 Stages of Negativity that further help us in identifying the gravity of our situation:
You can read more about Mind and its hidden Miraculous functions in my book, 'oTHEr Dimension Secret Codes of the Universe', which got published in US in 2018 and has got worldwide responses. Since then I have been mentoring many people from all across the globe.
Discover the Miraculous You in your Self.
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